Thursday, November 29, 2007

Living in the Present

Last night, I attended yet another workshop. The topic of the night: Stress. The main cure for stress? Living in the present - to not be affected by the past or look too far ahead into the future. Monica Magnetti mentioned that a goal is a lot easier to reach when you're happy while you're trying to reach it. That makes so much sense to me. Don't you find sometimes you totally bury yourself in trying to reach a goal only to find that time has just flown by. On the day you reach your goal, perhaps you will be very happy but why waste all those days prior to this day? Why not enjoy all those days too? As a very results-oriented person, I can assure you this is a difficult task but definitely not impossible. Sometimes it is important to kneel down and smell the roses.

Strangely enough, today right after my ballet class, as I was packing up by the window, I caught a glimpse of the water fountain outside and felt a sense of calmness which I have never felt before. Even as I found out I lost my necklace, I didn't especially stress out over it. A little upset, yes but not to the point where I'm so frustrated I can't function properly. And this is indeed strange coming from someone who freaks out even when she loses a measly eraser. Hey, maybe these workshops do help.

Lastly, no one says it better than my all time favourite musical - Rent.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, for me, I take that principle to the extreme, resulting in the slight impairment of forseeing future events. Bummer. lol.

Let us be more balanced. Yes.

Have a happy last day of school!

lil blue tiger said...

Well said anonymous person. Balance is indeed important.

And yes I will enjoy my last day (or last 1 hour of lecture) of school tomorrow :)