Saturday, April 18, 2009


It's a real shame we can be very close to someone in one point of our lives, then realize the next time we bump into this person that we can never be as close as we used to be. I mean they haven't changed, we sure haven't changed but why the change in the interaction? How can close friends become strangers with the passage of time?

How is that even possible? You might not be aware of it but we all change. Sometimes, we change so little everyday we might not even know it; hence, great chemistry one minute can become clashing personalities the next. Or the more cynical side of me says that sometimes people become close to others for a reason. When they have derived their benefit from this other person, they move on. Whatever the reason, life is full of intimacy then distancing. Remember to cherish what you have now and to keep in touch with those you care about.