Friday, January 18, 2008


How are people remembered? By how much money they make? By how many parties they've been to? Or by how much good they've done for their society? At the end of the day, you won't be remembered for long for being the richest man in the world. There will always be someone richer. But those who were selfless and helped others will be remembered forever. Those who helped the Chinese refugees during the Second World War didn't do so out of self-interest. They did it for others. It is very important to treat others how you want to be treated. If I were at a position of disadvantage, I would appreciate all the help that I can get. A lot of people do not take the time to contribute to their society and to help others because they are too "busy" with their own lives. What constitutes the meaning of "busy"? Too "busy" partying, gaming, working, or schooling? I have no doubt in my mind that some people are truly busy and face a large financial, academic, and/or personal burden. I'm not trying to be persuasive nor judgmental, although I will not deny the fact that I am trying to be encouraging. I'm not advising you to spend huge chunks of your time volunteering. If you're busy, even random acts of kindness can brighten up someone's day. Some people volunteer because they need to. They need the hours for school, to get a job, to get into their interested field of study. Others volunteer for the sake of volunteering. Despite the motive behind volunteering, they end up helping people and that means a lot. Add meaning to your life: volunteer.

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