Saturday, January 26, 2008

Asian Entertainment Review: Khalil and Gary

It is yet another snow day, which tends to make me appreciate music even more than I usually do.

I've recently been listening to Khalil Fong (Wonderland) and Gary Cao (格格Blue, Superman, Super Sunshine). They're both very strong singers with quite the talent for song writing.

Khalil's Wonderland
Looks like Khalil decided to change his look with the new blue appearing on his cd cover and on every shirt in his wardrobe now. It's pretty funny since he used to only wear dark/dull colours. Enough about aesthetics, the songs in this cd are wonderful as usual. Must listens: Track 1: Love Song and Track 4: 爱在. I instantly fell in love with both and both are included in the playlist on this blog. The other songs are great too but just doesn't have the umph factor.

Gary's 格格Blue, Superman, Super Sunshine
He's been around for a while but I just recently discovered this talented Malaysian singer. Very strong voice with quite an impressive range. His first two cd's were very well done. Lots of great songs like: 數到五答應我, 燭光晚餐, 情人節快樂, 妳是我的寶貝,天使忌妒的生活, just to name a few. His latest album, Super Sunshine, is not as great. Similar to Jay Chou, he seems to be experimenting with new styles and I'm not really feeling it. For example, Qi Chuang Ge. What is that??? Sorry, but it's too bizarre for me. I don't really have a favourite in this album. Maybe Ai De Hu Du because it's jazzy but still not a must listen.

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