Sunday, January 6, 2008

Lead a Healthy Life

I recently read an article. Here is its summary:

Instead of spending so much time healing your body, don't harm it in the first place. The author of the article once, for one week, worked long hours and attended school at the same time. One morning, she woke up and found she couldn't move, not even open her eyes. That really freaked her out. Eventually, slowly, she felt her muscles again. That must have been the final warning her body was sending her. In fact, she thought she were dead; to be a soul that has thought and no body.

So, instead of exercising a lot to get rid of the extra calories/fat that you have gained from eating a big, perhaps junk food lunch, eat healthy foods instead. Instead of sitting in front of the TV the whole time, stand up during commercials and jog on the spot. Instead of staying up late to finish off something, sleep before eleven and wake up early/on time to finish the work.

Some people would say "you only live once, so enjoy it". I say, we can enjoy our life while being healthy at the same time! Don't wait till something horrible happens before you get the idea. You only live once and you only get one life indeed!


1 comment:

lil blue tiger said...

I couldn't have said it better myself, Kay. My dad's coworker would always eat junk food and laugh at him for being too healthy since "you don't know what will happen tomorrow." I can't completely agree with that statement. Yes, "you don't know what will happen tomorrow." But what fun would it be if you live till 100 but you're suffering from all kinds of illnesses? Also, if everyone thinks that way, who will save up? get education in order to get a better job in the future? plan for the future? My point is yes, I do think it's important to do some things right now and don't think too much about the future so much but at the same time, some things can be detrimental and should be thought over carefully before taking action. Having a healthy lifestyle is important. I gotta cut down on my caffeine intake. haha