Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Adventures in Ottawa - Days 7-8

Since my parents have gone home, I've been spending the last two days with my roommate and her family. They are super nice, yet I think my homesickness is starting to kick in already. Our days were full of some more shopping, returning and other fun stuff. I think I've been to Canadian Tire at least 7 times since I got here. It's strange since I would boycott them back in Vancouver. Fun times though. I think with all this shopping we have enough food and supplies till the end of December XD. After dinner last night, we saw some people with telescopes set up in the parking lot and apparently they were looking at Jupiter and its moons. We asked to take a peek and it was an amazing sight!

I don't remember if I have mentioned this but I think I've become a lot more germaphobic since I got here. Must be because of moving in a new place and all.

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