Monday, December 3, 2007

Asian Entertainment Review: Dancing Talents

Prologue: I found something that is worse than not giving me the solution to a practice exam, and that is giving me an answer key that doesn't actually contain "answers", especially on questions which I'm really not sure about! Feeling totally pooped out right now from studying, I will attempt write about my exciting new discoveries.

I'm always excited when I discover new talents, especially new dancing talents! They're not professional dancers, so don't expect too much from them. They're already a lot better than so-called professional dancers like Ron Ng. (Why do I keep picking on him? I just have something against 偶像派 artists. He's hilarious; I just found out people call him 吳唱k.)

Johnson Lee: (02:00) In addition to his impersonating, acting and singing talent, this guy can dance very well! I'm pretty sure he was lip-syncing, which I'm a little disappointed about; however, I have yet to figure out whether the recording was done using his voice or Aaron's. If it's his, then that's all around talent right there. Hope he knows he has a lot of supporters. Side note: 王祖藍's performance was below average that night. He's a lot better when he imitates male singers.

Raymond Lam: (02:50 and you can see him in the background for most of the performance) Not bad. Not bad. Looks very natural. His singing is not perfect but that's probably because he was tired out from all that dancing. If you compare him to Stephanie Cheng right after him, then he would be considered outstanding! Side Note: Patrick and Hins' performance after the dance performance was pretty hilarious too. Hins can be so feminine, it's actually quite scary.

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