Monday, December 31, 2007

Last day of the year

It's the last day of 2007. This day has been an eventful one full of ups and downs. I experienced fatigue, restlessness, excitement, confusion, happiness, disappointment, guilt, deceit and warmth all in the course of one day. It's actually quite amazing. I hope everyone would experience more happiness in 2008 than they did in 2007! Cheers!

P.S. I've loaded a new playlist yet again just in time for the new year!

Sunday, December 30, 2007


What do you do when your dream seems so far from reality?
What do you do when you're pursuing a dream no one else believes you will be able to achieve? - even those who know you best - your family.
What do you do when every once in a while you think about this problem and get really upset when someone mentions it?
What do you do when you get affected by such words by others when your dream requires you to have high EQ?
What do you do when you have to wear a mask and live a lie until you reach your destination?
What do you do when you can't even talk about this with people closest to you for many reasons?


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Don't Waste Time

I have some friends that are finding themselves bored after the final exams were finished. There is so much to do! If not for someone else, at least there should be something that you'd want to do for yourself. Perhaps it's getting together with friends, making up for those times that you couldn't meet because of school or work. Perhaps it's getting a little project done for yourself that you've always wanted to get done. Perhaps it's just catching on your sleep, the rest that you couldn't obtain when you have had too much to do.

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest -- and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man.
Proverbs 6:6-11

Yours sincerely,

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


I'm so happy we finally have a white Christmas!! :D

Monday, December 24, 2007


MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL MY READERS! Thanks for your support through these past 2 months!

I've loaded a new playlist including a very festive song which should be playing right now! enjoy!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


People say patience is a virtue. Sometimes, I really don't mind waiting. It just really frustrates me when I have to needlessly wait. I waited an extra I don't know how long at the doctor's office because the MOA apparently didn't see me arrive. I'm seriously not mad at the MOA, I'm mad at myself for making assumptions. Then I waited longer than I should've at the pharmacy since they got me mixed up with another patient. This time it's not my fault that I have the same last name as another patient, but maybe I should've specified my first name? After all this I thought, in the words of Roger Kwok in Not Just a Pretty Face: "點解要PLAY我?!". So much for getting some rest today. On a positive note, maybe this frustration will aid in increasing my low BP.

And on a totally different note: Love this song. FIR's 月牙灣.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


You know what is disappointment? Disappointment is getting sick the day before your last final. To not be able to study because you feel sick. To not be able to rest because your thinking about your final. It's like a vicious cycle.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Random discoveries

I randomly stumbled across this during my study break. It's pretty cute :)
Warning: When the girl starts crying, it sounds like she's hiccuping - that can be slightly disturbing.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Please be considerate.

It really ticks me off when someone close by is tapping their foot or clicking their pencil or making any little noises continuously for that matter. And to experience that in the exam room is fully unacceptable! Pardon me, I'm forbidden to communicate during the examination. Actually, this goes for lectures as well.

Please, next time you're taking an exam or attending a lecture, please keep quiet. And I'm not just talking about not talking to your friends.

Thank you.

On the side note, I guess we all have to learn to adapt to our surroundings, control our emotions and focus under any circumstance. I've been in more annoying waters, but it was still painful (and annoying to endure).

Thursday, December 6, 2007


考試前的幾天, 覺得莫名其妙的失落。
考試前的幾個小時, 還覺得沮喪。
考試前的幾分鐘, 總覺得特別緊張。
考試 - 真的可以熟能生巧嗎?

Monday, December 3, 2007

Asian Entertainment Review: Dancing Talents

Prologue: I found something that is worse than not giving me the solution to a practice exam, and that is giving me an answer key that doesn't actually contain "answers", especially on questions which I'm really not sure about! Feeling totally pooped out right now from studying, I will attempt write about my exciting new discoveries.

I'm always excited when I discover new talents, especially new dancing talents! They're not professional dancers, so don't expect too much from them. They're already a lot better than so-called professional dancers like Ron Ng. (Why do I keep picking on him? I just have something against 偶像派 artists. He's hilarious; I just found out people call him 吳唱k.)

Johnson Lee: (02:00) In addition to his impersonating, acting and singing talent, this guy can dance very well! I'm pretty sure he was lip-syncing, which I'm a little disappointed about; however, I have yet to figure out whether the recording was done using his voice or Aaron's. If it's his, then that's all around talent right there. Hope he knows he has a lot of supporters. Side note: 王祖藍's performance was below average that night. He's a lot better when he imitates male singers.

Raymond Lam: (02:50 and you can see him in the background for most of the performance) Not bad. Not bad. Looks very natural. His singing is not perfect but that's probably because he was tired out from all that dancing. If you compare him to Stephanie Cheng right after him, then he would be considered outstanding! Side Note: Patrick and Hins' performance after the dance performance was pretty hilarious too. Hins can be so feminine, it's actually quite scary.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


On Thursday morning when I was waiting for the bus in the cold, I noticed two older ladies waiting for the bus also. They just finished their morning swim and were heading home. Then I thought: "Wow, I really admire them for their commitment." I've seen them many times before but it was until that day that I noticed how dedicated they are. It's close to freezing outside and they are willing to wake up early to go swimming and live a healthy lifestyle. And these ladies have inspired me to attend my volunteering shift today despite the snow. I remember how I was telling my friend yesterday I didn't want to go volunteering today. It would be a shame if I didn't. I met two retirees who were also very passionate about ballroom dancing, plus I got to help a few patients who really needed a translator. It was well worth my time :)

Addendum to previous post: As I was waiting for the bus in the snow I realized how I forgot to mention something about Khalil's album. There are some things I would've have been able to hear if I only listened to his original This Love album. There was one part where Fiona Sit is on stage with him and she mentions that there are friends who you hang around with and have fun with. Then, there are friends who truly care about you and your well being. That is something to think about. There's also another part where Khalil mentions that his friend committed suicide a while back which inspired him to write Goodbye Melody Rose, then he goes on to talking about the value of life, which made me appreciate the song even more.