Thursday, September 18, 2008


You know how I always say that time seems to fly by and how I seem to be wasting my life away? Sometimes being so results-oriented makes us forget about the small accomplishments in life. Is spending time with friends, catching up with former teachers/coworkers etc., helping out with little things at home, thinking about and working towards what lies ahead, and staying active really considered "not doing anything"? I don't think so. Even time spent in front of the computer doing not-so-productive things can be considered "smelling the roses" time. And time commuting from place to place on the bus can be considered "being aware of world events" time with a 24 in your hands or "appreciating the art of music" time with an earphone in your ears. It all depends on how you look at it. So why be so harsh on yourself and enhance the aging process by worrying so much? If you don't believe me, make a mental list of what you've done today. Did you really accomplish "nothing"?

1 comment:

Kay said...

Our positive & negative perspectives make a great difference.