Friday, September 19, 2008


Do you always find yourself saying: "Oh shoot, I shouldn't have said that!" or "Oh no! Why did I do that?" Is your life always full of shoulda, coulda, woulda's? If we all could turn back time, we would. We would want to undo all our mistakes and the detours we've made in life. We would have practiced that much harder for a performance, studied that much harder for an exam, loved that person that much more. In that case, we would all become very successful and happy people. But we can't turn back time. We cannot undo the past. We can only move forward and we will always only have control of the present and the future. Of course self-reflection is important to learn from what we've done wrong so we don't repeat the same mistakes, but drowning ourselves in negative experiences will not help. Why waste time dwelling on the unchangeable by wasting precious time we can spend doing something more productive now?

1 comment:

Kay said...

Yes, focus on the present. That is the only thing that we have control on. We have control of the future somewhat because there are always surprises (good/bad) that pop up.