Monday, March 8, 2010


It's probably impossible to live a life without regret, without detours, without wasted time. We just have to face this reality. We just have to accept that life can't be perfect and shouldn't get bogged down by its little imperfections. At times of accidents, we can always blame ourselves for doing something to prevent it, but hindsight is always 20/20. If we could predict all outcomes of our actions, life would be too easy. By being bogged down on the little blips in life, we are wasting even more of our life. What's important is that we learn from our little mistakes and to move on. These regrets represent sunk costs. We can no longer do anything about them. What we can do is to make the most out of what were the consequences of our decisions - either good or bad.

"Forget regrets, or life is yours to miss" - from Jonathan Larson's "Rent"

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