Monday, May 12, 2008


Are there ever circumstances which would warrant a white lie? I used to naively frown upon all lies despite the context. I now realize that sometimes white lies are necessary to prevent the harm of someone else. I, for one, would be devastated if everyone I talked to were to be completely honest with me. Occasionally, it's nice to hear the truth so one can reflect and change for the better, but for things one can't change, it might be better to not hear the truth since it is kinda true that the truth hurts.

Having a completely blunt and straightforward manner of speech can bring forth admiration and also repulsion. Sometimes people require the truth to wake up or to be warned but at other times, it might be better to think before we speak. Like how the old Chinese saying goes: 三思而後行.

1 comment:

Kay said...

Yeah, it depends on the situation.